Sep 16Liked by Carl Ingwell

Without a doubt, you have stirred much interest in me, your non-birding friend!

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Love to hear that, Lori. Keep watching.

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Sep 15Liked by Carl Ingwell

Great article, Carl. There are few joys so profound as seeing someone gain interest in birds. It’s unfortunate some birders might look down their noses at newer birders. I’m glad nobody deterred me, so why deter someone else? It’s better and rewarding to be a resource. Thank you for writing—always happy to see new writing from you.

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Thanks, James. I haven’t always been a saint, but as I age, I want to share what I’ve learned about the outside world.

Your writing has always meant a lot to me too, friend.

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Outstanding newsletter. I know the feel of being the "expert," which I am not, but in regard to rocks. Friends are always saying, "I wish you were along to tell me about the geology." I wish I was too because they are often in interesting places. But your main point is the most important, that, encouraged by your knowledge and passion, they start noticing the nature around them more often. Perhaps they will become birders themselves. Or perhaps they'll simply be more engaged when they are witnessing the world and follow that up with wanting to be better stewards and supporters of protecting wildness, near and far.

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Thanks, David. My dad is a now retired geologist, so I always love some good rock knowledge.

I love that last sentence. That’s the starting point of my hopes.

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