I went hiking on Labor Day and turned a corner on the trail to find myself less than 50 yards from two Sandhill Cranes who were hanging out in a field! Though I've heard many Sandhill Cranes before, this was the first time their squawking was directed at me!

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They really let you know when they’re unhappy with you. What a neat experience to be that close.

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Sep 3Liked by Carl Ingwell

Sandhill Cranes do a giant migration through Grand Island, NE area. My family and friends go to see them each year. I have never had the pleasure, but, I'm told it is stunning and beautiful!

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That’s so neat. I remember a video (or was it a photo) you sent me, and it was splendid. I’ve seen big concentrations of them overwintering in Bosque del Apache, in New Mexico, but not quite like that.

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